Join the Credit Union

Become a Member

Midwest Coalition of Labor Credit Union is a member-owned, not for profit financial organization dedicated to providing a full range of financial services. Our mission is to ensure the long- term stability, managed growth, and the members’ continued trust and loyalty in our credit union.

The Midwest Coalition of Labor Credit Union (MCLCU) was established for union members in good standing or employees of a union included in the Midwest Coalition of Labor (MCL), along with Teamsters Local 731 and immediate family members. By limiting our field of membership, we can afford to offer the special advantages available through a credit union.

We offer the following packages

Union Strong

Union Proud

Foot in the Door

Savings ✓ ✓ ✓
Checking ✓ ✓
Debit Card ✓ ✓
Credit Card ✓
Free Online Banking ✓ ✓
Free Bill Pay ✓ ✓
Mobile App with Remote Deposit Capture ✓ ✓
E-Statements ✓ ✓ ✓
Access to Premium Loan Rates* ✓ ✓

*Subject to credit, must have direct deposit of at least $1,000+, 10+ transactions per month or two (2) utility bills automatically debited for the last three (3) months.

Additionally, we have a Credit Builder Package for members who have never had a Credit Card or who are looking to re-build credit.

Your membership will be opened upon the receipt of the following

  • The completed application
  • A copy of your driver’s license or state ID for all account owners and joint owners
  • A copy of your current union card
  • An initial deposit of at least $100.00 (that buys you one share of the credit union)

You can bring the items to the Credit Union or mail them to us at:

6240 Joliet Rd.
Countryside, IL 60525

A family member or minor membership requires a copy of a family member’s birth certificate and/or a marriage certificate.

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

Once your membership is approved and processed, we will mail to you the Important Account Information for Our Members brochure containing the Terms and Conditions, Electronic Fund Transfers Disclosure, Your Ability to Withdraw Funds Policy, and Truth-In-Savings Disclosure, along with our Regulation CC Policy and other necessary disclosures.


* Memberships opened remotely are subject to a 5-business day review.

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